
Travel vaccination

What are travel vaccinations?

They are vaccines that are specifically designed to protect you from diseases that are found in other parts of the world.

These vaccinations include:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Yellow fever
  • Typhoid

When should I consider getting the vaccine?
You need to have a routine check-up with your local GP at least 7-8 weeks before travelling abroad.
Your GP will inform you about the vaccines and when they should be given. This is because some vaccines require more than one dose to build up immunity so they will need to be given well before the travel date.

Which vaccines do I need for travelling?
The vaccine you get will depend on the country you are travelling to, meaning that you will have to do your own research on the country you are travelling to and find out which vaccines are recommended for that country. You can find these out on the following two websites:

You will also need to check whether or not the country you are travelling to will require you to provide a proof of vaccination.
Covid-19 vaccinations
We also provide coronavirus vaccination for travel. Some countries will require you to have had a covid-19 vaccination. Again, you can check whether or not the country you are travelling to will require you to do this.

To be continued