IV vitamin infusion
What is IV vitamin infusion?
Intravenous (IV) vitamin infusion is the process of injecting high amounts of high concentration and minerals directly into the blood vessels. This way, the vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body within seconds.

How long does the entire process take?
Typically, the entire process usually has a range between 20-60 minutes.

Who does the infusion?
A trained professional, such as the pharmacist will be able to carry out the therapy for you. This will take place in one the consultation rooms in our licensed medical office.

Why should I do this process?
When you consume a vitamin orally, it gets broken down by the enzymes in the mouth’s saliva which is then further broken down and digested by the stomach’s acid and this results in a reduced amount of the actual vitamin that is absorbed by the body, However, if you choose to undergo vitamin therapy, more of the vitamin is absorbed reaching number of up to 90% whereas without it is only 50%.
The reason as to why vitamin therapy has a much higher efficiency is because the desired vitamins are inserted directly into the blood by a process called Intravenous (IV) and this leads to a higher amount of the vitamin being absorbed and used by the body.
For whom is IV infusion best for?
As of now, intravenous infusion is used for a broad range of health concerns. Some of which include Migraines, Muscle spasms, people who cannot consume enough food, and etc.
IV as also been used by athletes for recovery purposes after an intense training session or a match. This helps them to recover and hydrate quicker.

Contacting us
If you have any further enquiries about IV please feel free to call us on or email us on ‘’ .
If you’d like to book an appointment we’ll have to book you in for a small consultation with the pharmacist before any further continuation.